trees croud aroud you.\n\nyou sense there is something nearby, but you are unsure. there's only one way to go from here.\n\nyou walk [[back to where you came|loc5]]
it's the dead of night. you leave your "living area", to put it gently, and you walk down to reach the SWORD MUSEUM. it's less of a museum and more of a weird flat area with a sword just kinda there, but that's what it's called.\n\nin the center of a large flat mass of concrete, you see [[it|Sword]]. everything has come down to this.\n\n
you seriously <i>don't</i> want a wicked cool sword?\n\nit's not like you have anything else to do. come on.\n\n[[ok, but...|monetaryissues]]\n\n[[no.|bad end]]
there it is\n\nthe most beautiful thing you have ever seen\n\nthe sword hovers in front of you, taunting. you squint and see the extremely thin wire holding it upright. there's probably security. \n\nyour kinda scared of touching the thing. you've never heald a weapon before. might be dangerous.\n\n\n<<if $stealth eq "no">>\s\n[[learn stealth|Stealth Hut]]\n<<endif>>\n<<if $sword eq "no">>\s\n[[learn sword|Sword Area]]\n<<endif>>\n<<if $stealth neq "yes" and $sword neq "yes">>\s\n[[just reach in and grab it already|bad end]]\n<<else>>\n[[you can do it. ready? ready.|good end]]\n<<endif>>
you swear you've visited [[this area|loc0]] before and never seen this, but here it is.\n\nthe hole is only about a foot across, but pretty deep. it doesn't look like it was dug recently. how could you miss it?\n\n<<nobr>>\nyou can't see what is down there, but you <<if $carryrocks or $shards>>throw the <<if $carryrocks>>rocks<<endif>><<if $carryrocks and $shards>> and <<endif>><<if $shards>>shards<<endif>> to the ground, and <<endif>>[[place your hand in|dig around]].\n<<endnobr>>\n...
you shovel them into a pile, then grab a handful of the sharp metal splinters. tiny swords to throw at your enemies!! but your quest is not yet over.\n\n<<set $shards=true>>\n\n[[continue on|loc3]]
<<if previous() eq "wtfareyou">>yeah, there are some problems.<<else>>LETS GO GET SOME SWORDS YEAH\n\nbut, there are some problems.\n<<endif>>\n\nfirst off, you have no money, let alone enough to buy a sword. they probably cost a lot of money right? it's not like you ever had seen a store that actually sells them. you could order a sword off the internet, but there's that money thing creeping back in again. shit.\n\nthere is that other option...\n\n[[steal the sword|Sword Museum]]
the lighter area of bark has a small seam all around it. it looks like you could pry it off, but it doesn't budge no matter how hard you wedge your claws in there.\n\n<<if visited("slightly lighter") gt 1>>\nyou try <html><i>even harder</i></html>, but it still won't come off.\n<<endif>>\n\n\n[[go back|loc8]]
SWORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!\n\n\nyou trip over a rock and break the sword\n\nfuck.\n\n[[start again??|Start]]\n\n<a href="" target="_parent">quit story</a>\n\nmade for naked twine jam 1/2014\n\n
sword adventure simulator and instruction manual
there are lots of swords here. picking one up, they seem to be made of wet newspaper. eugh. still, might as well test em out.\n\n\n[[practice]]
you pick up one of the swords that kinda works. at least it doesn't collapse immedatly.\n\nCHOOSE A STANCE:\n\n[[one-handed|bad end]]\n\n[[two-handed|bad end]]
a small being.\n\nkinda froggy looking.\n\nturing to you, they say:\n\nyou must close your eyes and enter the maze\n\nto learn the \n\n\n[[secrets|loc1]]
the ground turns slightly muddier here. leaves, hard and green as ever, litter the surronding area.\n\nthe trees seem tired.\n\n[[go forward|loc3]]\n[[go back|loc1]]\n[[go right|loc0]]\n[[go left|loc8]]\n[[go diagonally right and straight|loc7]]\n[[go diagonally left and straight|loc6]]\n[[go diagonally back and right|loc5]]\n[[go diagonally back and left|loc4]]
you shove your hand in as far as it can go. it doesn't reach the bottom, but you feel something to one side.\n\nyou pick it up.\n\n<<set $stealth="yes">>\n\n[[you are ready!!!|Sword]]
a metal stump. rather than rings, this facsimilie of a dead plant has strange triangles and z-shaped patterns around the center. they look pretty neat. \n\nafter inspecting the stump, you look up again, thinking you've heard a sound. there's nothing.\n\n<<if visited("loc0") gt 10>>\nyou see a [[hole in the ground|escape]]\n<<endif>>\n\n[[go forward|loc1]]\n[[go back|loc2]]\n[[go right|loc3]]\n[[go left|loc4]]\n[[go diagonally right and straight|loc5]]\n[[go diagonally left and straight|loc6]]\n[[go diagonally back and right|loc7]]\n[[go diagonally back and left|loc8]]
<<if $new_to_maze eq "yes">>\nyou feel your surroundings change around you. when you open your eyes again, they are nowhere to be seen. you are in a lightly forested area. the trees have plasic leaves and metal trunks.\n<<else>>\nyou feel like you have been walking for <<print either("ages", "as long as you can remember", "miles")>>. you haven't seen anything noteable. the trees are as fake as ever. you don't really see how this is making you stealthy, but you can't really talk to them again to complain. for all you know you are in an entirely different universe, locked permanently away from your prize. whoops!\n<<endif>>\n<<silently>>\n<<set $new_to_maze = "no">>\n<<endsilently>>\n[[go forward|loc2]]\n[[go back|loc8]]\n[[go right|loc0]]\n[[go left|loc7]]\n[[go diagonally right and straight|loc6]]\n[[go diagonally left and straight|loc5]]\n[[go diagonally back and right|loc4]]\n[[go diagonally back and left|loc3]]
the forest gets denser, before opening up to a small clearing.\n\nthe wind dies down, and then picks up again.\n\nyou still have no idea where you are.\n\n[[go forward|loc7]]\n[[go back|loc5]]\n[[go right|loc4]]\n[[go left|loc3]]\n[[go diagonally right and straight|loc2]]\n[[go diagonally left and straight|loc1]]\n[[go diagonally back and right|loc0]]\n[[go diagonally back and left|loc8]]
a large dark boulder looms nearby. the trees are sparse and thin, with dark green, sharply serrated leaves\n\n<<if $carryrock>><<else>>\nyou pick up a chunk of rock under your feet. it looks similar to the boulder, but fresher and rougher. it feels nice against your skin. you decide to carry it for a while. \n<<set $carryrock=true>>\n<<endif>>\n\n[[go forward|loc8]]\n[[go back|loc6]]\n[[go right|loc5]]\n[[go left|loc4]]\n[[go diagonally right and straight|loc3]]\n[[go diagonally left and straight|loc2]]\n[[go diagonally back and right|loc1]]\n[[go diagonally back and left|loc0]]
the silence is overwhelming. you've been walking for what seems like <<print either("ages","miles","forever")>>, with no sign of any other living thing. there's not even any cool swords or ninja skills out here. it's useless.\n\n<<if $carryrock>>\nyou toss a rock at a nearby tree, creating a beautiful, hideous clang. fun! \n\nyou don't have anything else to throw.\n<<set $carryrock=false>>\n<<endif>>\n\n[[go forward|loc5]]\n[[go back|loc3]]\n[[go right|loc2]]\n[[go left|loc1]]\n[[go diagonally right and straight|loc0]]\n[[go diagonally left and straight|loc8]]\n[[go diagonally back and right|loc7]]\n[[go diagonally back and left|loc6]]
you walk <<print either("up", "down")>> a small hill. the trees are more varied, coming in all sorts of colors and patterns. scattered clumps of vegetation give way to more ordered patters. a garden of some sort, perhaps?\n\nto the side, a row of tall trees with foamy orange and white leaves has a gap in it, creating an [[entryway]] in the trees.\n\n[[go forward|loc6]]\n[[go back|loc4]]\n[[go right|loc3]]\n[[go left|loc2]]\n[[go diagonally right and straight|loc1]]\n[[go diagonally left and straight|loc0]]\n[[go diagonally back and right|loc8]]\n[[go diagonally back and left|loc7]]
3 trees stand here, metal roots intertwined with eachother. did they grow like this? do these trees grow at all? \n\non the left most tree, you can see a small area of bark that is [[slightly lighter]] than its counterparts.\n\n[[go forward|loc1]]\n[[go back|loc7]]\n[[go right|loc6]]\n[[go left|loc5]]\n[[go diagonally right and straight|loc4]]\n[[go diagonally left and straight|loc3]]\n[[go diagonally back and right|loc2]]\n[[go diagonally back and left|loc0]]
you feel bored and empty\n\nyou need swords in your life. cool ones, specifically.\n\n<<silently>>\n<<set $sword = "no">>\n<<set $stealth = "no">>\n<<set $new_to_maze = "yes">>\n<<endsilently>>\n\n[[ACCEPT THE CHALLENGE|monetaryissues]]\n\n[[wait you _don't_ want a sword|wtfareyou]]
you leave the sword alone, for now. you don't think you can handle it.\n\nwalking down from the platform, you see what you thought was just a pile of old trash cans is in fact a small hut of some sort. it's pretty much the only thing you can think of that is worse than your actual living situation, which is saying something. \n\nhanging from the roof, directly above the small doorway is a small piece of dry, bleached wood. the words STEALTH HUT lightly inscribed on it. wouldn't hurt to see what this is all about.\n\n\n[[enter|hutguard]]\n\n
the sky is a pale grey. theres no visible sun, but it's the flattest clouds you have ever seen. it could be a ceiling, for all you know.\n\nyou see a tree, fallen.\n\nmetal shards are scattered nearby.\n\n<<if $shards>><<else>>[[pick up shards]]<<endif>>\n\n[[go forward|loc4]]\n[[go back|loc2]]\n[[go right|loc1]]\n[[go left|loc0]]\n[[go diagonally right and straight|loc8]]\n[[go diagonally left and straight|loc7]]\n[[go diagonally back and right|loc6]]\n[[go diagonally back and left|loc5]]
THE SWORD BROKE AND KILLED YOU\n\n\n\n[[restart|Start]]\n\n<a href="" target="_parent">quit story</a>